Saturday, August 15, 2009

Now I know what side effects are

I've been blessed to have taken many different medications over the past 10 years with few side effects. Effexor did raise my blood pressure a bit, Prozac made me get motion sickness, Lithium gave me tremors at high doses, and Abilify made me restless. Granted some of these side effects were not tolerable, so the dose was reduced or the medication stopped completely.

But nothing compares to Nardil in terms of the strange stages/packages of side effects that I've felt over the past 1.5 months. Now I see what the doctors are talking about. It all started with the extreme thirst, the dizziness, the balance problems, the feeling of being high, the euphoria. This was all on 45mg of Nardil. These sides effects passed. Then, after increasing the dose to 60mg, it moved on to afternoon sleepiness to the point of not being able to function much at work during these episodes. Then came the slight weight gain (I am very fit, except my abdomen is noticeably bigger), the constipation, and the anorgasmia. Pain the the ass. And now the fatigue in terms of when I exercise. I get tired very, very quickly. I can't run two blocks without having to stop. I feel like Nardil has slowed down my physiology to the point that my heart rate is lower than it should be, even when exercising.

Well, I haven't been on this medication for too long, so I look forward to what most people say about these side effects: they will pass.

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